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Daniel Bomatter

Risk and Compliance
Daniel Bomatter
Dani is part of the Business Support Department at Dr. Pirmin Hotz Vermögensverwaltungen AG, joining the Hotz Team in 2023. Previously he used to work at FRED and fincube, two service providers for asset managers. His former career steps can be summarized as follows: Compliance Officer at ZZ Vermögensberatung (Schweiz) AG in Vitznau from 2016 to 2020; Securities Administration at MediBank in Zug from 2011 to 2016; Controlling and Support Office at Zulauf Asset Management AG in Zug from 1997 to 2011; Processing and Money Market in the Forex Trading Department at UBS Zug from 1986 to 1997.
«I like to be outside and enjoy the time with my family. The openness, honesty and spontaneity of my grandchildren is wonderful and brings a lot of joy and variety into my life.»
Daniel Bomatter, Risk and Compliance