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Types of Mandate

Each client has an individual starting point in terms of asset management needs and objectives. While some entrust us with the management of their entire securities assets, others seek mandate solutions for individual asset classes.

We manage different types of mandates starting at around CHF 1 million target volumes, with all portfolios being managed as segregated mandates. We offer the following options:

  • Mixed mandates (sustainable):
    Mix of equities and bonds; if required, real estate can also be added as indirect investments

  • Equity mandates (sustainable):
    Swiss equities, global equities and global equities ex Switzerland

  • Bond mandates:
    Mix of corporate and public-sector bonds, at least investment grade quality, various reference currencies
Tamara Kim
«We think and act for the long-term. We do not believe in short-term trading activities, which primarily generate costs at the expense of the client.»
Tamara Kim, Portfolio Manager