Fee: Costs for asset management
Our standard fee model consists of two components: A basic fee, which amounts to 0.7% p.a. for a mandate of CHF 1 million or more and is strongly degressive as the mandate volume increases, as well as a success fee.
However, the performance fee only comes into effect if the portfolio reaches a new high at the end of a year. The so called "high water mark" principle guarantees that we are in the same boat as you and that you only pay once for an upturn in the portfolio. More specifically, if the performance is negative once, this loss must be made up in subsequent years before a performance fee can be charged.
This fee model has the advantage that your asset management costs are kept to a minimum in years with negative returns. A pure fixed fee model can also be offered on request. We invoice our fee once a year in a transparent manner.
We can show you in detail the bank costs (consisting primarily of brokerage fees and depository fees) once you have choosen your depository bank; however, these are significantly lower than 0.2% p.a. for a portfolio of around CHF 1 million that has been built up. The bank costs fall as the mandate volume increases.
We work entirely without product costs, issue premiums, excessive trading costs or retrocessions ("kickbacks" on products of all kinds) and other performance killers! So if you want to compare our costs with those of other providers, you should add the indirect costs charged in the products to the direct mandate costs. Experience shows that our total costs are significantly lower than those of a standard management mandate sold out there. We would be pleased to show you this in detail.

«Even in times of increasing (over-)regulation, there is always no question in our minds as to whom the interest of all our efforts lies: our clients!»