Pirmin is considered a true entrepreneur. As independent business executive since 1986, he specializes in asset management for private and institutional investors as well as consultancy services for major institutional investors in respect of strategic investment decisions. He served as member of the Supervisory Board of HSBC Trinkaus Capital Management in Düsseldorf (1993-1998) and member of the Board of Directors of Trinkaus und Burkhardt (Switzerland) AG (1995-1997). Pirmin consulted a large number of renowned banks in the German speaking area in terms of capital investments. His academic achievements can be summarized as follows: Doctorate from the University of St. Gallen on the topic of modern portfolio analysis (graduated with the title Dr. oec. HSG); Studied at the University of St. Gallen, majoring in finance. Pirmin became self-employed already during his studies in St. Gallen. He is the father of three adult children, the author of numerous specialist articles and the best-selling book «About the greed, fear and herd instinct of investors».
«Only those who do not use products and funds, live solely from the client's fee and have no conflicts of interest, think uncompromisingly in the client's best interests and are truly independent – this is us!»